Licensed Marraige and Family Therapist
In the state of Illinois, Oregon, and Washington

May Han
|Relational Trauma | Self-esteem/Shame.| |Communication. | Trust Issue |
Washington , Oregon & Illinois
Language: English | Mandarin
Individual Counseling 50 mins • $240
Individual Counseling 75 mins • $360
Couples Counseling 50 mins • $240
First Couples Counseling 75 mins • $360
Clinical Consultation: 45mins • $160
Topic of specialty: Attachment, somatic, experiential based approach with multicultural individual and inter-racial couples

You feel exhausted trying to stay on top of life, but you forget about yourself and what would make you happy. You find yourself asking: why am I the only person floundering to make sure everyone else is satisfied?” But when you don’t do this, you feel even worse. You feel lost.
Your relationship suffers despite our best effort. You find yourself getting stuck in the same pattern that feels frustrating and exhausting. Even simple conversation seems difficult, and gradually, walls are built. You feel unseen and unheard. You feel angry at your partner. You feel so alone.
Or maybe you are well-established, but you feel lost in the dating world. Often, you find yourself attracted to the wrong person. You struggle to know how to open up. You are told that you are “on guard” or just “ too mysterious” . You long for a meaningful connection and at the same time you feel really scared of “messing up”. Most time, effort in the dating world leaves you feeling rejected and disappointed. Sometimes, it feels like you are just not good enough.
Or maybe you feel sad about what happened to you in the past. You feel stuck as if there is a part of you whose time seems to have stopped, and you’ve never had a chance to open up about it.

Hi there, I am May Han, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
I am here to help!

I believe it is possible to break free from old destructive patterns and live a fuller life that is aligned with your truth.
I became a therapist to help people reconnect with themselves in a kind way, to be happy with who they are, and to build authentic and loving relationships that they truly deserve.
A lot of my clients come to therapy asking themselves, alone or with their partners:
What is wrong?
Why do I try so hard to deal with everything, and things seem to be just falling apart?
Why am I not happy?
What do I want?
Empowering you to get what you need in your life and learn to feel great about it.
Assisting you/two of you, to re-discover your values and beliefs, to shift from defensiveness to openness, and build a stronger connection.
Supporting you to be there for others, while caring for yourself.
Coaching you to slow down and attend to yourself.
Teaching you how to feel your feelings in a way that feels good.
Showing you how to validate and accept yourself.
With a training background from the Northwestern University and almost a decade of clinical experience,
I help by:
It is deeply humbling and meaningful for me to witness my clients’ transformation to a more connected, authentic and satisfying life.I look forward to walking along this journey with you.
Here are some kind words from one of my past clients:
“May Han,
I am very grateful my first therapy experience had a significant impact in my life and it was with you. You have taught me understanding, hope and breathing and listening skills for myself and others. So much of your words & your understanding of mine has influenced my career and personal life in such a short time. Thank you for caring for all parts of me including the young child and teaching me to do the same. You have opened up a part of my life I never knew I had the strength to confront.
Your clients will be so lucky to work with you as I have been.”

Professional Background:
B.S. Bachelor of Science – University of Oregon, Department Honor , Cume laude
M.S Master of Science – Northwestern University
Clinical training with The Family Institue at Bette D. Harris Family & Child Clinic
Chair at The Family Institute at Northwestern University Alumni Advisory Board- Diversity Committee
Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).
Selected panelist with Chicago Minds, Break the Silence: Challenges with East Asian Mental Health Representation in America

Individual Counseling
We help couples shift from distress and distance to openness and connection. We help couples prepare for the ups and downs of life so that they can feel more confident with what life brings.
We are pleased to offer our individual and couples counseling services via a secure, HIPAA compliant platform to support individuals and couples on the go while helping people build genuine connections and live a fulfilling life.